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Board governance is always a timely topic. Understanding what is expected of boards andquestions boards ask-resized-600 putting it into practice are two different things. As your board begins 2013 ask yourself whether your board is as effective as it could be. This article outlines several questions which can assist to determine whether there are areas which need to be improved in the coming year.

Questions to Ask

Yes___ No___ 1. Our board members attend at least 75% of all board meetings.

Note: Are you guessing or do you know the answer. If you are guessing ask for a summary of board member attendance for the past year.

Yes___ No___ 2. Our board sets our agendas and they are consent agendas?

Yes___ No___ 3. We have web-based board portals and have access to timely broad-based information.

Yes___ No___ 4. Our board uses telecommunications to its maximum potential.

Yes___ No___  5. Our board uses at least 3 methods to demonstrate its accountability.

Yes___ No___ 6. We engage in regular board evaluations at least every 18 months.

Yes___ No___  7. We have conflict-of-interest policies and follow them.

Yes___ No___8. Our document retention policies are clear and followed.

Yes___ No___9. Our board has a strategic plan and we monitor the plan on a regular basis.

Yes___ No___  10. We have attended board governance training which reviewed our legal and governance responsibilities.

Yes___ No___ 11. There is a well-established process to identify issues and gather comprehensive information prior to making decisions.

Yes___ No___ 12. Our board has measurable governance policies and each board member is well-versed in those policies.

Yes___ No___ 13. The roles and responsibilities of the board are well defined and demonstrate how the role is different from the role of the CEO.

Yes___ No___ 14. The board governs and the CEO manages.

Yes___ No___15. The CEO is unable to get the board to do any aspects of his role for him. (The board readily reminds him that he is responsible for management)

If you answer “No” to more than two of those questions, than your board has work it needs to do early in the new year

Next Steps

Each board can be effective if its members are willing to ensure that


  1. board governance training is offered and well attended.
  2. board members attend all board meetings.
  3. document retention policies are clear and followed.
  4. issues are identified and comprehensive information is available to all board members prior to making decisions.
  5. the board has measurable governance policies and each board member is well-versed in those policies.
  6. the board sets its agendas.
  7. the board uses telecommunication systems to their maximum potential.
  8. the board engages in regular board evaluations
  9. the CEO does not try to get the board to do any aspects of his role for him.
  10. the CEO’s role is limited to management.
  11. the board demonstrates it is accountable.
  12. their roles and the board’s role are well defined
  13. there are conflict-of-interest policies which are followed.
  14. there is a strategic plan and it is monitored on a regularly-scheduled basis.
  15. they use web-based board portals and access to timely broad-based information.

Access resources to assist your board: