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Why consider a consent agenda?

Those of you who know me, know that I really don’t like it when items which are only for information purposes take time away from critical board work. Board members are very busy and want to use their time wisely to ensure that the mandate of the entity is met. A consent agenda is one tool that can save time and expedite the board’s work. 

What is a consent agenda?

A consent agenda, or consent Calendar as Robert’s Rules calls it, includes items which the board has already agreed upon or are routine items that do not require discussion. The key is that the board approves all these items together without discussion or individual motions. 

What items appear on a consent agenda?

These items could include routine, procedural decisions, and decisions that are not controversial such as:

  • Approval of the minutes
  • Correspondence that does not require any follow up by the board (thank you letters, correspondence providing information, and announcements)
  • Reports provided for information only
  • Receiving of proposals or reports that are accepted each meeting because they are standard items and the information was contained in the board package
  • Final reports where the board has had a full discussion and board members are familiar with the risks and implications
  • Routine matters such as announcement of appointments to committees; staff appointments requiring board confirmation.

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How Does a Board Adopt this Approach?

First, the board adopts a rule of order allowing for the consent agenda process. It could read something like this: “A consent agenda is presented by the Chair of the Board at the beginning of a meeting. Items are removed at the request of any one board member. Items not removed are to be adopted by general consent without debate. Removed items are placed on the agenda as agreed by the full board.”

What’s needed to make a consent agenda work?

A consent agenda can only work if the information items are known in advance and distributed in the board package in sufficient time to be read by all members prior to the meeting. In order for this to be successful, it is essential for the board members to agree upon the answers to the following questions: 

  • Who will decide what can go on the consent agenda?
  • When must the board members receive the board package to ensure they have time to read the information provided?
  • Is it clear which items are part of the consent agenda?
  • In the process, can board members move items from the consent agenda if they believe the information is not complete, all risks are not revealed or is there a decision the board needs to make?
  • Is the board chair willing to move items from the consent agenda or will he/she take offense and make a member feel terrible for making the request?

Must an item be removed from a consent agenda if a board member makes a request?

Yes. A board member may want future discussion, want more facts, need to present new information, or register a vote against the item. Of course, when there are no items to be removed or the removal has been completed, the chair or the board secretary reads out the remaining items on the list and the chair says, “If there is no objection, these items will be adopted.” The key is that after pausing for any objections, the chair states “As there are no objections, these items are adopted.”

Does the Chair require a Show of Hands?

No. As soon as he/she makes the statement that “these items are adopted” he/she can keep moving forward with the board’s business.

What Would We Record in the Minutes?

The Secretary includes the full text of the resolutions, and attaches reports or recommendations that were adopted as part of the consent agenda.

The Key

It is vital to ensure that all board members understand what items belong on the consent agenda and how to move items to and from the consent agenda without negative repercussions.

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