(709) 753-9935 [email protected]

Dr. Brenda Kelleher-Flight

Coach and Mediator
GDP Consulting



Our aim is provide the support our clients need the way they want it to meet their goals and to make their lives easier.



The vision of GDP Consulting is of individuals, boards and businesses with the confidence to speak their truth, solve issues and leave positive legacies.

About Dr. Brenda

As a Certified Professional Coach, Brenda helps individuals and teams

  • Align their actions with their desired outcomes,
  • Master the skills necessary to plan for, achieve and measure their desired results, and
  • Achieve the working climate or life they desire.

As well as being a Qualified Mediator and a Master Business Coach, Brenda holds a Ph.D. in Governance. She works with all types of boards and their CEOs to build strong productive teams, use time efficiently and effectively, and plan ensuring the results desired are achieved.

Her specialties include:

  • Strategic and Business Planning
  • Management
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution
  • Board GovernancePolicy Development and Facilitation


Ph.D., Governance – University of South Australia

Executive Certificate in Conflict Management, Q.Med – A.D.R. University of Windsor Law School/Stitt Feld Handy Group

M.Ed., Special Education – St. Michael’s College – Vermont

M.Ed., Educational Administration – Memorial University of Newfoundland

B.Sc.N. University of Windsor

Recent Positions

President, GDP Consulting Inc. (2005-Present)

Director of the Accountability Office, Government of NL (2000-2006)

Director and Consultant in Student Support Services and Coordinator for the Model of Service for Children and Youth for four Departments of Government (1989-2000)

Some Recent Projects

  • Developer – strategic, business and activity planningprocesses
  • Developer – business plans
  • Trainer – facilitators
  • Trainer – policy development specialists
  • Developer and Lead Consultant – Training school board trustees in the areas of board governance, school board legislation, policy development, and communication
  • Lead Consultant – strategic planning with public sector boards and a not-for-profit agency
  • Consultant – governance training for Aboriginal group
  • Consultant – business refocusing with a private corporation
  • Lead Consultant – training for a consultant to deliver governance materials in another language
  • Developer of Constitution, Bylaws and Policies – public sector & not-for-profit
  • Developer – management policies
  • Coach – conflict resolution via phone, Skype, and face-to-face

What Clients Are Saying

Paula Sheppard, CEO of NLOWE

The board governance training we did was fantastic. It was especially useful when we talked about conflict of interest and board members working on the organizations contracts.

We now have a clear understanding as to why we do not do business with our board members. We are all now thinking more strategically and better understand the role of management vs. governance.

T. D., Manager

I became more aware/appreciative of the need to include/consider/address the dynamics of the interpersonal relationship when conducting business. Knowledge and experience by themselves do not trump/veto the need to establish and maintain positive interpersonal relationships.

It has allowed me to become less anxious and less inhibited when working. I am enjoying moment more and worrying less about how/if I am going to get there.

Coaching affirmed for me that with practice, preparation, and commitment I can succeed. My limitations have inherent strengths which can play a part in my success

S. A.

Thank you so much for all of your guidance and support, Brenda. You are amazing.

We have much work ahead of us, but I feel that we all much better equipped to handle the challenge. I am sure that I can speak for the others that we deeply appreciate your commitment and professionalism.

It is such a fantastic feeling that we are now working together as a team!

Regina Wright

Thank you for your excellent work in the preparation of the report. It is most comprehensive and your presentations on this Report were excellent.

I learned how my “Gregorc Mind Style” will help me understand my natural way and how to relate to people who have different styles. I know i) what makes a good elevator speech and how to make people want to know more and ii) the importance of having ‘offerings’ that will give people a choice.

I now have a practical way of making sure my business objectives are met.

W. D., Senior Auditor

I just wanted to say thanks for all your coaching.  My family also thanks you.

When I first started I was very frustrated, unhappy, and bitter. Now it takes me a lot longer to get frustrated as I no longer let issues build , I am happier because when I do incur stressful events I know how to leave them behind and I am no longer bitter as I have learned how to communicate things that frustrate me without getting upset.

The greatest change has been with my family life.  I play with my kids more, I no longer take out the bad days on them, I do not shout at my kids anymore because I have learned other ways to address discipline issues. My wife is happier because I no longer snap at her.

Thanks for everything.

M. B. D., EAP Coordinator

I wanted to pass on very specific feedback on your work with one of our employees.

The employee shared that you were able to assess her situation adeptly, and were able to understand and consider her profession and gender issues. She indicated increased problem solving in all levels and types of communication in the workplace, and reduction in her personal reactiveness and levels of stress.

The employee is now feeling able to consider further steps of intervention from a systemic perspective.

Thanks so much

Hubert Langdon

Dr. Kelleher-Flight is very knowledgeable on the subject of governance. She kept us focused on the task at hand and involved us in the discussions on each aspect of governance. She quite willingly and capably answered our questions. She makes the distinction between governance and management quite clear.

M. K., Solicitor

The techniques and tools I use solved my issues. It took me six months using them to be fully confident. I now work well with others and have no difficulty speaking my truth. In fact, I use the  new skills at home as well. Thank you.

Lori Donovan

I found Dr. Kelleher-Flight to be very informative and engaging.

What could have been a very tiring session was actually energizing. Dr. Kelleher-Flight’s knowledge of strategic planning was excellent. I learned a lot. She kept us on task and within the timelines. The goals of each session were reached.

We also began to think about what kind of board we are (which is very important to us at this time). Overall, I found it very useful. Thank you.