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One of the most difficult roles on a board is that of board chair. Board members choose to either support the board chair or be his worth nightmare. What are the benefits of undermining the board chair? insider knowledge-resized-159




They include:

  1. The possibility you will be offered that role
  2. The benefit of feeling in control
  3. Achieving your desired results which may or not be those of the board or beneficial to the organization, or
  4. Looking like a good politician to your constituents.

What are the benefits of supporting the board chair? These include:

  1. Each board member is able to listen to all points of view and vote on matters based on the information provided.
  2. The team benefits from good team players.
  3. The board is able to focus on its role and not waste energy worrying about a renegade board member.
  4. No one feels railroaded to do anything.
  5. The board chair is able to facilitate and stay neutral during discussion enabling all views to be expressed without negative repercussions.
  6. When conflicts arise, board members can focus on the issues and follow board defined processes.
  7. The board can speak with one voice when decisions are made.
  8. Each person respects his assigned role and answers for his assigned responsibilities.
  9. The board is able to focus on its role and fulfill its mandate.
  10. The board leaves a positive legacy for future boards.
  11. When a board chair is unable to fulfill his role for any reason, the board is able to follow its defined processes to replace that person.
  12. All members are open to discussion without fear of being bullied or insulted.
  13. Board work is accomplished and the CEO has a clear sense of direction.
  14. The CEO is confident that the board is working as a team.

If for any reason you do not support the board chair, pay that person the courtesy of discussing your concerns with him. If you cannot reach a resolution, place your concern on the board’s agenda and address the issue openly. Be prepared to use an external facilitator to settle the dispute. At all times maintain a ‘win-win’ philosophy and put the well-being of the board at the top of your priorities.  Admit when you have negative feelings toward the chairperson. If you do, graciously leave the board and let another cooperative person take your place.

Board governance is too important to be derailed by personal agendas. Let it take its course. Cooperate at all time. Deal with conflict professionally. Honor all roles.

Cooperation and teamwork are necessary for the practice of excellence in governance. Support your board chair as you would want to be supported if you were the board chair.