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This is the second installment of the Board Member Speaks series where I interview board members and individuals who have a lot of board experience. In this episode, my guest is Hilda Broomfield Letemplier.

Hilda is currently the President and Chief Financial Officer of Pressure Pipe Steel Fabrication Limited, an industrial and mining supplier that services some of the largest resource development projects in Labrador. She is also the elected President of NLOWE which stands for Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs.

We talk about the things that can be done to assist women to take their place on the boards, how important board governance is in the success of a leader and a lot more.


A couple of excerpts from the interview:

Do you think more can be done to assist women to take their place on boards?

Training is really important. Set them up for a training first so they realize how much work is involved as a member of the board. With the proper training, they realize whether being on the board is for them or not, if it’s the latter, then you can welcome other members who are willing to commit to board work no matter how hard it is.

What are some of the things that you have learned now and if you went back you would have applied it as well?

I consider that there really is a need for professional training from professional trainers for board governance. One must be knowledgeable about it (board governance). Training prepares you so you know that being on the board is not just about having fun, there’s so much more to it than what you initially realize.

Watch the short video below:

Board Roles: Important Information Known Only To The Best

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