SERVICESDo you tend to shy away from conflict?
Do you let others intimidate you? Do you get angry or feel as if you just can’t resolve issues in a constructive way?
Conflict costs so much.
There are personal costs to our mental health and well-being. There are relationship costs when we cannot resolve conflict without destroying relationships. There are financial costs when productivity is low, or when people use sick time to avoid unpleasant situations at work.
Supervisors, leaders, managers, and executives benefit from conflict resolution coaching. In fact, any person who has to deal with employees, clients, customers, partners or vendors benefit from conflict resolution coaching.
Conflict Resolution Coaching will help you
- Learn what triggers you to react negatively to others,
- Understand how to stay centered, calm, and constructive,
- Master verbal and nonverbal techniques that work, and
- Be confident in the most negative circumstances.
Before Coaching
After Coaching
GDP Consulting services include problem solving, conflict resolution, and mediation/facilitation.
Services offered may be provided as:
- One-on-one coaching in person, on Skype or via telephone
- Facilitated discussions
- Mediation services
What Clients Are Saying
About Dr. Brenda Kelleher-Flight, Q. Med.
Brenda is a qualified mediator. Most of her coaching clients are individuals and managers who are professionals in a specific field but have not had managerial training or mentoring or taught the skills necessary for successful interactions.
Some of her clients are individuals facing challenges and need to learn conflict resolution skills or prepare for face-to-face meetings to resolve work or personal issues.
She works effectively with personnel to determine what is interfering with interpersonal relationships, to decide what is holding them back in their career paths, and to set realistic goals for their professional and personal growth.