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There are no mistakes in the world – only MIS-takes.

Listen to my interview with Lori Lee as we talk about how the stories inside our head are creating our reality and the people we attract, and the idea of Point of Poise – staying in emotional balance.


Has your life turned out as you expected? Do you ever feel like things are totally out of your control? Are you overwhelmed, stuck and ready to get your life back?….so starts the paragraph on Dr. Brenda’s home page. And since that very first question she poses is the exact same question as the one I posed on my pre-dissertation research study, you can imagine that I wanted to hear what she had to say about “Has your life turned out as you expected.”

Brenda is the author of Time to  Forgive and Forget, a certified professional coach, and a qualified mediator. She is known for helping individuals and teams create their story and focus on what they want. There are no mistakes in her world; there are only MIS -akes. This means we can learn forward and do another take achieving the results we desire.  Stay tuned for my interview with Dr. Brenda Kelleher-Flight and our discussion on how the stories inside our head are creating our reality and the people we attract, and her thoughts on the idea of Point of Poise.

Listen here: http://loveyourstorypodcast.com/episode-85-interview-dr-brenda-kelleher-flight-life-reflection-thought/