(709) 753-9935 [email protected]

One of the things I discovered during my six years of research is that it is important for each school boards to clearly outline its role and differentiate it from the role of its superintendent.

As noted in an article titled, A smart proposal spells out board-superintendent relationship for Seattle Public Schools in the Seattle Times, one superintendent is asking his board to do just that.

It is most unfortunate that a new employee of this stature has to propose to a board how his role differs from their role.

It is essential for all school boards to spell out their role, as well as the role of the chair of the board and committees. To support boards, this information is spelled out in the Decision Making Model of Governance. For more information on this vital area of superior performance handbook-resized-600policy development order these documents.

One document describes the model in detail and the other contains

forms which are laid out in an easy to follow format






Boards which follow the Decision Making Model of Governance have separated the roles. These boards consider topics such as

  1. The Superintendent’s General Responsibilities
  2. Personnel
  3. Policies
  4. Professional Development
  5. Reporting to the Board (risks, reporting requirements, etc)
  6. Student Transfers or other student specific concerns
  7. Role in Trustee Orientation

The policies are clear, measurable, realistic, and relevant. Because they meet these criteria, the superintendent is free to articulate management policies, manage the school district, and focus on excellence in education.

These policies also protect the board because the board members are able to focus on their role and avoid the pitfalls which lead to board failures.