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How many board members really know what they are signing up for when they agree to serve on a board? Given the notion that boards choose the best people they can to fill vacant positions, it is natural that they approach individuals who have a full fulfilling life.  This article identifies essential questions to ask before agreeing to sit on a board.


Essential Questions

 There are several questions that will provide clues to the demands associated with board governance. These include

  1. How many regularly scheduled meetings does the board hold per month?
  • What is the length of each meeting?
  • Where are they held?
  • Is there a minimum number of meetings each board member is expected to attend each year?
  • Can board members attend via electronic means?

2. How many special meetings does the board hold per month on average?

  • When are they held?
  • What is the average length of a special meeting?
  • Can board members attend via electronic means?

3. Can a board member vote, when a meeting is held via electronic means?

  • How is a secret ballot conducted?

4. Does the board have a committee structure?

  • If so, on how many committees is each board member expected to serve?
  • How often do committees meet?
  • Where do they meet?
  • Are committees expected to do research and write reports?
  • Are committees confined to governance functions?

5. Does the board hold retreats?

    • How often are they held?
    • How long is each one?
    • Where are they held?
    • Are all board members obligated to attend?

6.Does the board use a consultation process when preparing its strategic plan?

  • Who conducts the consultations?
  • When are they conducted?
  • How long is each one?
  • Is each board member expected to attend each consultation?
  • Where are these consultations held?

7. Are board members reimbursed for costs associated with each meeting?

  • Are there restrictions which apply to those costs?
  • Would I be expected to take leave from my work to attend meetings?

8. Is each board member expected to have a separate email address for board mail?

  • Is each board member provided with a computer?
  • Are board members provided with cell phones?

9. Are there any other processes or obligations, I should know about at this time?

Final Comment

 Do not let anyone minimize each board member’s obligations. Make a note of each one and add up the total expectations. Review this new set in light of your current commitments and determine whether this new opportunity is feasible at this time.

It is essential that each board member review his options and ensure that he keeps his life in balance. Overextension does not serve anyone in the long run.