I absolutely loved this chat with Krystal on her show, Connect and Thrive Live. Below you’ll find an excerpt of the first few minutes of our conversation, and if it connects with you, then you’ll enjoy watching the video below.
I find that for most of us that we live today based on the past. Or we live today based on what we want tomorrow.
So the question is, “What’s the past saying in our mind?” What’s in that “tape” playing over and over in your mind? Is it saying, “You’re not as smart as your sister/brother, or that you’re too tall or too short, or that you’re not going to amount to anything”?
Whether you’re a business owner or an executive, a mom or a dad, or a person just walking the street, trying to figure out life, that “tape” influences everything we do every day.
Let’s take for example, people who hate going to networking events. They hate having to entertain people; they hate dealing with complaints. When you hate or dislike something, what happens is you develop a dependence on other people.
“Are you going to that event? Can we go together?”
“Can we sit together? Can you save me a seat?”
“Can you pick me up?”
We develop these compensatory types of behaviors to survive, but the truth is…you’re perfect. You don’t need those compensatory skills. Everything can be learned, and you’re capable of learning it. So if you’re capable of learning it, why don’t you learn it?
Because to go through life hiding behind someone else, or hiding behind a title, or hiding behind what we are, isn’t necessary. We are a genuine person, and if we take all that stuff away, we’re facing perfect people. Absolutely beautiful people.
Connect & Thrive with Brenda Kelleher-Flight, GDP Consulting Inc.
Posted by Reflective Marketing on Friday, December 1, 2017
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