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How Management Can Destroy a Not-for-Profit: Boards Take Note


Board members are busy people. If they think they know their CEO/ED, they often trust their fear or confidence-resized-159thinking and buy into the story they create.  The question is do board members know the story and how it is affecting management decisions and the well-being of the not-for-profit.

The full article (click to read) addresses a philosophy which can make or break the not-for-profit, how governance boards need to govern to ensure the philosophy and values are solid, and warning signs to observe.

Fear or Confidence

The CEO/ED can either manage from a philosophy based on fear or one based on confidence. When fear is the predominant thinking pattern, boards hear certain types of comments. When the CEO/Executive Director operates from a framework of confidence the dialogue changes. Key phrases which matter are listed for easy reference.

Warning Signs

There are warning signs which a board can readily note. These include

  1. Over-compensatory behaviour
  2. Fear-based conversations
  3. Staff feeling enough is never enough
  4. More concern about benefits than obligations to clients
  5. Inability of staff to get work completed
  6. Excuses


The detailed example, which is too long to replicate in this blog, shows how easy it is to overcommit and under-satisfy the staff.

Final Comment

If you are a member of a board and you note that the employees are never satisfied, step back and question why the organization is not in a position to leave a positive legacy and achieve its desired outcomes.