As a coach, I hear all the issues bosses and subordinates express. As a result, this article focuses on only those issues that appear repeatedly.
These include intense behaviour, sensitivity to other’s needs, listening and the use of “I”.
I am sure you have never thought of yourself as intense and what does that mean really? Here are the behaviours which I deal with mostly as a coach.
Firm Body Language
Staff tell me that their boss looks like a major in the army. The boss is never relaxed. Their face never smiles unless they tell the joke or story. Their rigidity is frightening.
What would it take for you to relax? Maybe a good question to ask is, “Why can’t you relax?”
Do you feel…
- Like an imposter?
- As if you will lose control of your situation?
- As if others will refuse to follow your directions?
- Weak?
- Inferior to those who work for you?
- As if this is the expected behaviour?
- As if you need this stance to feel safe?
- Afraid?
Drop the persona that isn’t working. Look in the mirror and ask, “What type of person would make a good boss for me?”
Staff want to feel valued not threatened. You can make the change. Of that I am certain.
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