One of the areas of interest for me is Conflict Resolution, and today I want to talk about the importance of owning your story.
Often, we’re in conflict because there are parts of our own story we don’t own.
When we hold on to or are ashamed of parts of our story, what happens is we eventually react to something in our environment that triggers those unhealed parts of ourselves.
So today I want to provide you with some tools to determine if you are owning your story, or if you still have emotional attachments to parts of the story, or if there are parts to the story you really don’t want to reveal.
Sit and do a timeline.
If you find yourself reacting negatively to everything (or anything) in your world, take the time to assess your whole life, from birth.
Have you ever had those moments when certain people or incidents in your past come into your mind, like you’re having a flashback? That’s because you’re holding an emotion surrounding those incidents.
Think of all the things you think you’ve forgotten, and yet you really haven’t, and list them down.
Ask your body.
When you figure out those things that are still bothering you, or things that you think you’ve forgotten but really haven’t, ask where you’re holding those emotions in your body.
For a lot of people it’s in their stomach, their neck, even their shoulders. When you discover where those feelings are trapped, then ask if you can release them, if you’re ready to let them go.
Let go.
Let go of those pieces of your background and begin to heal. As you change, your world will change, and how you respond to those triggers will also improve.
My wish for you today is that you begin the path to change, and start owning your story.
Own it, and no one can ever embarrass you, make you feel bad, or destroy your happiness.
Conflict is a symptom of what’s happening inside of us. Let’s create that change today.
If you are ready to change your circumstances and move forward, Time to Forgive and Forget: My Seven-Day Spa Retreat is the friend that will help you release old ideas and patterns and move toward what you desire.